Hello OLMC families!
I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the beautiful September weather we experienced this weekend. It was a lovely way to celebrate a successful first week of school.
Thank you to everyone for their patience as we worked through the new protocols put into place to ensure a safe and healthy school environment for all members of the Mt. Carmel community. Parents are reminded to follow our drop-off and pick-up procedures. Beginning this week, only buses are allowed to park in the school lot near the gym. Parents needing to walk their children to the gym door should park in the upper lot, closest to the church. Placards are being sent home to families who need them for afternoon pick-up.
All families are asked to check their students’ temperatures at home, as well as review the COVID-19 symptom checklist every morning. These guidelines will remain in place until further notice. Please err on the side of caution when sending children to school. We want everyone to remain healthy!
Room parent forms are due tomorrow for anyone considering that volunteer opportunity. Last week a COVID-19 covenant was also sent home to be signed and returned as soon as possible. An updated after-care registration form is posted to the school’s website. We cannot accept drop-ins for this program. Students must be registered at least a day in advance.
Later this week, look for information about our virtual Back-to-School Night. As much as we would all like to meet parents in person and show off the classrooms, that is not a viable option at this time.
Have a good evening, and be well!
Alice Malloy