Hello Mt. Carmel!
I hope everyone is enjoying the warm, summer-like weather this weekend! Today is the perfect day for an ice cream treat or a visit to the beach/pool. Here are the important items for our shortened week:
- This week students in 1st – 8th grades will begin the third (and final) set of STAR assessments for the school year. Parents will receive a report at the end of the year that will provide you with information about your student’s progress during the year.
- Simon Stock Parish will be decorating the church grounds with American flags on Memorial Day weekend. Interested families may purchase a flag in memory of, or to honor a veteran. Flags will be on display for the Memorial Day holiday, then again on Independence Day and Veterans’ Day. Please see the parish bulletin for details: http://sponsors.bonventure.net/pdfs/2221/2021-05-23.pdf
- This Friday, May 28, is a remote learning day. Students should log into their Google classroom site by 8 AM to receive specific directions for their virtual field trip. I can’t wait to hear about their travels!
- While many COVID restrictions are being relaxed or lifted throughout NJ and surrounding states, please know that we are not changing any of our protocols before the end of the school year. June 18 will be here soon enough!
Have a good evening!
Be well,
Alice Malloy