Good afternoon Mt. Carmel families!
I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Believe it or not, it’s time to turn the page on the calendar and welcome December. Here are the important items for the coming week:
- The elves have been very busy preparing for Santa’s Workshop. Students in grades PK4, K, 1, 2, 5 and 7 will shop on Tuesday, 12/3. PK3, 3, 4, 6 and 8 will shop on Wednesday, 12/4. Make-up times will be scheduled for Thursday, 12/5, for any student who missed their class time.
- American Girl Doll Christmas gift package orders are due tomorrow, 12/2. Please check recent e-mails for details.
- Please check recent e-mails for information pertaining to school sweatshirt orders. Forms must be submitted by Friday, 12/6, in order to guarantee delivery by Christmas.
- Our biggest fundraiser of the year, Win Big, is this week. All tickets (sold and unsold) must be returned to school. Any ticket purchased by check is due by Tuesday, 12/3; cash sales must be submitted by Friday, 12/6.
- Friday, 12/6, is an early dismissal day. After-care is available.
- Saturday, 12/7, is the Win Big drawing at 7 PM. Consider attending this fun night out!
Many, many thanks to the parents, grandparents and friends who helped make our Thanksgiving Brunch such a success. It is this kind of support that makes OLMC such a special place!
Enjoy a quiet evening!
Alice Malloy